Tina Turner: Uma viagem para o futuro
Exposição Coletiva
Primeira exposição brasileira dedicada à lenda, “Tina Turner: uma viagem para o futuro” desvenda o início da carreira da eterna rainha do rock no início dos anos 1960 até o final dos anos 1990 sob as lentes de fotógrafos que fizeram parte da revolução musical e cultural que ocorreu na América nessas décadas. Com quase 200 milhões de discos vendidos e 12 Grammys, Tina é uma das cantoras de maior sucesso de todos os tempos, e sua história é contada por meio de imagens autênticas que retratam uma personalidade e um tempo único, que transpuseram décadas e seguem influenciando gerações. Com curadoria e direção criativa do ecossistema criativo MOOC e curadoria adjunta de Adriana Couto, “Tina Turner: uma viagem para o futuro” reúne cerca de 120 fotos do acervo da The Music Photo Gallery realizadas pelos fotógrafos americanos Ebet Roberts, Bob Gruen e Lynn Goldsmith e pelo londrino Ian Dickson, além de conteúdos audiovisuais e instalativos. A mostra foi organizada em torno de quatro temas principais relacionados à vida de Tina: sua inigualável carreira musical; o poder feminino que faz da artista um referencial de superação; sua marcante participação na sétima arte; e seu estilo único refletido nos figurinos e seus penteados emblemáticos, envolvendo colaborações com grandes nomes da moda. Anna Mae Bullock nasceu em 26 de novembro de 1939, em Nutbush, no conservador estado do Tennessee, nos Estados Unidos. Começou sua carreira artística em 1957 sob o nome de Little Ann, ao lado de Ike Turner, com quem foi casada entre 1962 e 1978. Em 1960, Little Ann adotou o nome pelo qual ficaria famosa para sempre – Tina Turner –, com o lançamento do single “A Fool in Love”, ainda ao lado de Ike. Vinte e quatro anos mais tarde, já divorciada, depois de um período turbulento que envolveu uma relação extremamente abusiva, Tina lança o single “What’s Love Got to Do It” (do álbum Private Dancer), que garantiu a ela o primeiro Grammy e o posto de número 1 da Billboard Hot 100 nos Estados Unidos. Em 1988, Tina entra para o livro Guinness Records por ter alcançado o maior público para um show de uma artista solo. O show em questão aconteceu no estádio do Maracanã, no Rio de Janeiro, reuniu cerca de 188 mil pessoas, e teve transmissão ao vivo para o mundo todo. Tina é uma artista que antecipou tendências. Sempre à frente de seu tempo, merece que sua história seja contada não apenas com uma lente no passado, mas também sob uma perspectiva de futuro, como uma metáfora do olhar visionário que a artista sempre expressou através de sua obra. Tina é, sobretudo, inspiração. “Tina Turner: uma viagem para o futuro” é uma realização da Cinnamon + Phi em parceria com o Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS) de São Paulo e Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Governo de Estado de São Paulo A mostra tem apresentação do C6 Bank e Mastercard. A B3 e Lenovo são mantenedoras Ouro do MIS, que tem o apoio institucional da Kapitalo Investimentos na categoria Master, Vivo, Grupo Travelex Confidence e John Deere na categoria Ouro, TozziniFreire Advogados e Siemens na categoria Prata. O apoio de mídia é da JCDecaux, O Estado de S.Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, Trip/TPM, Alpha FM, Nova Brasil FM, Rádio Eldorado e TV Cultura.
Tina Turner: A journey to the future
Group Show
The first Brazilian exhibition dedicated to the legend, "Tina Turner: a journey to the future”. It unveils the beginning of the eternal Queen of Rock's career in the early 1960s to the late 1990s through the lenses of photographers who were part of the musical and cultural revolution that occurred in America during those decades. With nearly 200 million records sold and 12 Grammys, Tina is one of the most successful singers of all time, and her story is told through authentic images that portray a unique personality and time that transcended decades and continues to influence generations. Curated and creatively directed by the MOOC creative ecosystem and co-curated by Adriana Couto, "Tina Turner: a journey to the future" brings together about 120 photographs from the collection of The Music Photo Gallery taken by American photographers Ebet Roberts, Bob Gruen, and Lynn Goldsmith and Londoner Ian Dickson, as well as audiovisual and installation content. The exhibit was organized around four main themes related to Tina's life: her unparalleled musical career; the female power that makes the artist a benchmark for overcoming adversity; her striking participation in the film industry; and her unique style reflected in her costumes and iconic hairstyles, involving collaborations with top fashion names. Anna Mae Bullock was born on November 26, 1939, in Nutbush, in the conservative state of Tennessee, United States. She began her artistic career in 1957 under the name Little Ann, alongside Ike Turner, whom she was married to from 1962 to 1978. In 1960, Little Ann adopted the name by which she would become forever famous - Tina Turner - with the release of the single "A Fool in Love," still alongside Ike. Twenty-four years later, already divorced, after a turbulent period that involved an extremely abusive relationship, Tina released the single "What's Love Got to Do It" (from the album Private Dancer), which earned her the first Grammy and the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States. In 1988, Tina entered the Guinness Book of Records for having achieved the largest audience for a solo artist's show. The show in question took place at the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro, gathered about 188,000 people, and was broadcast live worldwide. Tina is an artist who anticipated trends. Always ahead of her time, she deserves her story to be told not only through a lens on the past, but also from a perspective of the future, as a metaphor for the visionary gaze that the artist has always expressed through her work. Tina is, above all, inspiration. "Tina Turner: a journey to the future" is a production of Cinnamon + Phi in partnership with the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) of São Paulo and the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the Government of the State of São Paulo. The exhibit is presented by C6 Bank and Mastercard. B3 and Lenovo are MIS's Gold Maintainers, which has institutional support from Kapitalo Investimentos in the Master category, Vivo, Travelex Confidence Group, and John Deere in the Gold category, TozziniFreire Advogados and Siemens in the Silver category. The media support is from JCDecaux, O Estado de S.Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, Trip/TPM, Alpha FM, Nova Brasil FM, Eldorado Radio, and TV Cultura.

Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) - Sao Paulo, Brazil
Featuring Photographs by Bob Gruen, Lynn Goldsmith, Ebet Roberts and Ian Dickson
May 4th 2023 - June 31-2023

Produced by:

Featured Artworks
About buying Original Photographs of Tina Turner The incredible exhibition mounted at the Museum of Image and Sound in the city of Sao Paulo features over 120 large-sized photographs, films, and videos, music in different rooms, artistic installations, costumes, and other objects. All the photographs displayed in the exhibition are exclusively available for purchase through The Music Photo Gallery. The digital selection presented here is just a brief sample of the pieces on display. If you're interested in buying original Tina Turner photographs, Please contact us at any time. Note: The works may take up to 3 weeks to arrive in Sao Paulo.

® Bob Gruen

Tina Turner - 1981

® Ebet Roberts

Tina Turner performs at National Exhibition Center Arena, Birmingham UK
October 1990

Vintage Prints
Bob Gruen is the legendary rock and roll photographer who has captured some of the most iconic images of musicians throughout his career. One of his most notable subjects is Tina Turner, whom he has photographed extensively over the years. The collection of vintage photographs from Gruen's archive that we are presenting for the first time includes a wide range of formats, including silver gelatin prints, contact sheets, color slides, and more. These images offer a unique glimpse into the life and career of Tina Turner, as seen through the lens of one of the most talented and influential photographers in the industry. Gruen's work with Tina Turner spans several decades, from her early days as a backup singer to her emergence as a solo artist and global superstar. He has captured her in concert, on the set of music videos, and in intimate moments backstage and at home. His images of Turner are both powerful and vulnerable, showing the full range of emotions and experiences that have defined her career. What sets Gruen's work apart is his ability to capture the essence of his subjects, to show them as they truly are. In his photographs of Tina Turner, we see not just a performer, but a woman who has overcome incredible odds to become one of the most respected and beloved artists of all time. Gruen's images remind us of the power of music to inspire and uplift us, and of the enduring legacy of Tina Turner in the world of rock and roll. Overall, the vintage photographs from Bob Gruen's archive offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of Tina Turner, as seen through the eyes of one of the most talented and insightful photographers of our time. Whether you are a fan of Turner's music or simply appreciate great photography, these images are sure to captivate and inspire you. Vintage Prints are available for purchase. Please contact TMPG for more information info@MusicPhoto.net +1 (917) 310-0973

The Contact Sheet Wall - Installation
At Tina Turner's exhibition at the Museum of Image and Sound in São Paulo, an original installation was created, consisting of nearly 1000 contact sheets from Bob Gruen's archive. These are the shots of Tina that the artist captured throughout her entire career. Within these contact sheets, one can discover many unpublished images, offering an understanding of the context in which iconic photographs emerged. Exploring this vast wall in the museum leaves visitors astonished. Here, we present only a brief selection of contact sheets.